As many of you know I download my comic books. If I read the book and like It, I pick up the trade. This way my money supports worth-while material. Most of my friends are on the fence about downloads, as it's waaay illegal. My feeling is why should I pay for something if it's gonna suck. Especially if someone else like advertisers are paying for it already. It's not like comics don't have ads, they do. And not just for other comics, that I would be okay with, but you have to dig though ad-upon-ad for movies, games and deodorant. At least with other things I do pay for blindly, like movies, I only have to sit though a few trailers, of other movies, before I can see if I've wasted my money. Also with movies I get a "trailer" to see if I'm gonna like the movie. Not that a good trailer means a good movie, but do you get that with comics? No, you do not. All you know is if the cover looks good and who's writing and drawing the book. Plus 60% of the time the cover artist is not the artist of the book itself....anyway I could go on and on, but I digress.
The point of all this is that I come across a website today that you can download comics (among other print material, like books) legally. This site is called
CBR did a review of it in their
Pipeline column called "MORE COMICS ON-LINE". Basically you sign up, which it kind of a pain cause they ask you a bunch of questions, but after that you're on your way. They don't have any main-stream books as of yet, but they have lots of indies you can check out. They limit you to 3 downloads and day and each downloadable pdf is bookend with an advertisement. Not bad as you're getting it for FREE. You can also set up a que like Net-filcks, so you know what you can download everyday.
I see this as the future of comics, as my friend Chuck says, " the comic companies are going to wake up one day and their lunch is going to be gone". It's really only a matter of time.
I give this site a 3 out of 4 Ass Monkey
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