Well it's a big week for the Joker. 1st we got of some official press images of Heath Ledger as the Joker from "Batman the Dark Knight". I got to say I'm not too crazy about the look. I think Heath Ledger is a fine actor and I'm looking forward to his portrayal of Mr. J, but I think they went too far away from source material for the film. That being said, if the script and the performances are strong enough, then I'm sure I can look past it. I mean I looked past the fact that Alfred didn't have a mustache in "Batman Returns". :)
I give this look a 1 of 4 Ass Monkey

However I reserve the right to change my rating once the film is released. It could potentially go as high as a 3 of 3 Ass Monkey. If you're out there Heath I'm sure you're standing by.

On another Joker note. All-Star Batman and Robin #8 hit the stands last Wednesday. It's the 1st appearance of the Joker is this book. As most of you know I HATE this book. I mean I wouldn't wipe my ass with the pages from this book. It's god awful. Poor Jim Lee's talents are waisted on this POS. The fact that the same guy who wrote Sin City, Daredevil and Dark Knight wrote this crap-fest astounds me.
I do honestly believe that Miller knows what he is writing, he can't be that stupid. He's throwing his shit at the Warner Bros. wall knowing that DC will pay him an ass-load for it.

I know for a fact that he writes this book on the crapper while reading the latest issue of Maxim.
If you read this book knowing that simple fact it can be a fun read. A buddy sent me a link to a humorous article that breaks down the 1st 7 issues. This a MUST read, even if you haven't read any issues of the book. Here is
PART 01 and
PART 02. check them out, the dude summarizes this book perfectly.
I can't give this book anything more than a 1 of 4 Ass Monkey.

Not even Jim Lee's art can help this rating. If I could give it less I would.