When I 1st heard of this book, I was mildly intrigued. It seemed like it could be a fun book, along the lines of Doom Patrol or a dark version on the X-men. The promo art by Gabriel Bá seemed to fit well with the concept I had read. The only downside was Dark Horse as promoting that it was written by Gerard Way of the band My Chemical Romance. Now I don't have anything against My Chemical Romance, in fact I enjoy some of their music, I'm just not I big fan of folks using their "Star" status to parlay it into a comic book writing career. It seems to be the big comics trend nowadays to get either movie stars or Movie/Tv writers to write comics and to be honest most of them suck, and when they are good they never come out on time. So the whole aspect of Gerard Way writing this book was a BIG negative in my book. However as the art and concept seemed cool I thought I'd check it out.

The members of the Umbrella Academy, a formerly disbanded group of young super-heroes, reunite 20 years later after they hear about the death of their adopted father Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Hargreeves, an alien disguised as a famous entrepreneur, collected the members of the Umbrella Academy shortly after their birth and trained them to save the world.
After reading the 1st issue I was pretty impressed. Everything in this book seems to gel, the art and story really work well together. Gerard Way did a really great job of introducing us to his world and cast of characters but not going too far as to bore the reader.
I posted the 1st issue online in case anyone wants to check it out. You can read it HERE. There is also good review at Ain't It Cool News HERE.